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Blue Sky Footwear Catalog


The most popular, mass-produced vehicles have a huge range of suppliers for routine service and most custom replacement parts.

Replacements can be cheap; replacements can be top quality and even better-than-original equipment. However, replacements are seldom cheap and top quality.

Cheap parts are produced using barely adequate materials and production methods, only to be excused later with remarks like, “Well, what do you expect for that price?”

Top quality parts at a reasonable price must be produced in very large numbers in order to reduce the unit cost. This is exactly why owners of low production number vehicles suffer – it is not commercially viable to produce parts for these cars.

Enter PhoenixMotorsport. We at PhoenixMotorsport would rather explain the cost of quality than to apologise for anything less.

We attempt to fulfil a distinctive market niche by supplying parts that are generally unavailable elsewhere. Our production policy is determined by our designers, engineers and enthusiasts, and we are free to design and manufacture to a standard we believe in. Our accountant is sent away to sort out our accounts, not to run our business.

Many people ask us why we make such specialised parts for unusual cars when we could be selling to the mass market for cars sold in their millions. Our response is that we simply cannot compete with the mass market and still retain our high quality standards of production. If we did try to compete with the mass market, our Titanium 6AL-4V fastener would become, sooner or later, a grade A4 stainless steel fastener, which would then drop to an A2, or our powder coating would revert to paint -- all this to save a few pounds on what started out as a premium product, and ended up as merely an adequate product.


Parts that we supply but do not manufacture have been very carefully selected from suppliers who meet our stringent standards of quality and service. These suppliers almost always supply directly to the Professional Motorsport industry. Moreover, we have agreements with these suppliers to provide or manufacture low-quantity “specials” not included in their normal inventories on our behalf.




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